The DESCARTES project, managed by IRT Jules Verne, initiated via the GIFAS TP Group and launched in October 2018 (in partnership with AIRBUS, DUQUEINE, LATECOERE and STELIA Aerospace) aims to develop a technology for manufacturing fuselage frames, in thermoplastic composite at a low cost and high production rate.
The first phase of the project, completed in December 2019, made it possible to select two technologies to meet the challenges of cost and manufacturability.
The second phase, which is about to start, aims to develop two complementary processes:
- the thermoplastic curved pultrusion process
- the TFP (Tailored Fiber Placement) preforming process, forming and consolidation.
The first equipment has just been received by the IRT to carry out this work: the TFP ZSK © CMCW 0200-900D-2500 embroidery machine called "Big 2 Heads".

This machine was specifically designed for the DESCARTES project (development of a fuselage frame in thermoplastic composite). The impressing dimensions of the machine of 5.70m by 5.50m provide a laying surface of 2.40m by 2.0m, which makes it compatible for the fuselage frame application with a radius of 2m.
In addition, the ZSK TFP machine allows for:
- Fiber laying speed of around 1.5 kg / h per head
- Deposit 2 strands of fibers (12-24-50K) per head, on the two heads in parallel (“HV-TFP” system patented by Nobrak ©)
- Deposit straight strands of fiber without stitching in certain area, resulting in time-savings and therefore fast production (Fast Laying option).
To carry out these developments, the initial consortium made up of AIRBUS, DUQUEINE, LATECOERE, STELIA Aerospace and IRT Jules Verne now extends to ARKEMA, CETIM, CERO, COUSIN COMPOSITES and CQFD COMPOSITES.
IRT Jules Verne, set up in 2012 as part of the Investissement d’Avenir (Future Investment) programme, is a French Institute in Research and Technology in Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Composites, Metallic and hybrid Structures).
Its vocation is to improve the competitiveness of strategic industrial sectors in France by creating disruptive technologies for manufacturing processes. Its mission is to speed up innovation and technology transfer to factories.
The original article (in French) is available at the link below, published on 15-06-2020